Reserve Your Place in the 18th Annual St. Tikhon’s Memorial Golf Tournament (Updated)
Reserve Your Place in the 18th Annual St. Tikhon’s Memorial Golf Tournament

The St. Tikhon’s Community is pleased to announce that the 18th Annual Golf Benefit will be held on Saturday, August 22, 2015 at Jack Frost National Golf Course in Blakeslee, PA. Registration for the event begins at 12:00 PM, with the Shotgun Start occurring at 1:00 PM, followed by an Awards Dinner at 6:00 PM.  The deadline for registration is fast approaching, so register now!  Click here for registration information.

The cost of the event is $100 per golfer, which includes Golf, cart, lunch, admission to the banquet, drinks, refreshments, and prizes. Checks should be made payable to St. Tikhon’s Seminary and mailed to Bernard S. Golubiewski at 19 Main Street, Laflin, PA 18702.  You can also contact Berny Golubiewski by email:  or Phone: 570-825-4780; cell: 570-417-8271.

Those wishing to support the event are invited to sponsor a hole at the tournament. Corporate Sponsorship costs $100 and Individual Sponsorship is $25. All sponsor participants will be recognized on the course for all to see and your  sponsorship will be indicated in a special remembrance at the awards dinner to follow.

Checks for sponsorships should also be made out to Bernard Golbiewski and mailed to the aforementioned address.  

We look forward to seeing you on the course!

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